Class Syllabus


Seventh Grade Math Syllabus          

Teacher: Ms. K. Cummings  


 Conference: 9:55-10:30

Room: East Suite A 205                                       








Instructional Goals

Course Description:

The Seventh Grade mathematics framework supports the more sophisticated computations that students can do with rational numbers and introduces exponents. Algebraic topics and the formation of generalizations are major foci as this course is preparing students for Pre-Algebra. Given the work with rational numbers, students explore probability ideas. Transformations are now carried out on the coordinate plane.

In the Seventh Grade math course these foundations will be built through the use of manipulatives and cooperative learning. A focus will also be given to communication strategies which will include reading, writing, speaking, and critical listening. This will allow students to present and evaluate mathematical arguments, proofs, and explanations about their reasoning. Technology should also become a component of the instruction


Course Objectives:

The student will be able to:

  1. Describe real life experience and verbally relate them to the math curriculum.
  2. Justify the answer they have given for a specific problem.
  3. Understand that in math there are often several right ways to solve a problem.
  4. Relate their previous math experiences to ones they are having in the class.
  5. Argue for or against solving a problem using the given steps.
  6. Analyze word problems containing charts and graphs. Then give your opinion on what the problem is asking you to do.





Policies and Procedures

Classroom Rules:

  • Work on the task at hand
  • Work quietly
  • Request assistance when needed
  • Remain in your seat
  • Complete the task
  • Meet task expectations


Supplies needed:

Necessary supplies: three ring binder (1½ inch) notebook paper, pencils, graph paper

Optional supplies: glue stick, scissors, coloring pencils, crayons, or markers, index cards, ruler, calculator (for home use)

Grading Policy

Grading Scale:

  • A (Excellent) 100-90%
  • B (Above Average) 89-80%
  • C (Average) 79-70%
  • D (Below Average) 69-60%
  • F (Failure) 59-0%


Grade Distribution:

The school year is divided into four parts each containing nine (9) weeks. Each nine week term you will have an opportunity to earn a total of 100 points. These points will be calculated as follows:

Test Average- (60 points of the total term grade)

          Assessment Categories

                    Unit Tests-    30 points

                   Quizzes-        21 points

                    Exit Tickets-   9 points

Daily Grades-(40 points of the total term grade)

          Daily Work Categories

                   Class Work  - 20 points

                   Homework    -  8 points

Bell Ringers  -  4 points

                   Notebook     -  4 points

                   Class Participation  - 4 points (see append. 3)

Middle School Reports Cards

  1. Middle school report cards will be issued for times each school year at nine week intervals. Term grades will be computed using 40% of the daily average and 60% of the test average.



(See appendix 1 for a rubric with grading details)

Your notebook will be organized into the following sections:

1.       Class Notes

2.       Class Handouts

3.       Homework

4.       Quizzes

5.       Class work


(See appendix 2 for a rubric with grading details)

Homework will be given as needed for review and reinforcement. Do not be persuaded to put it off to a later time!

Assignment acceptance policy:

All work should be done in pencil only. All assignments should be turned in by the due date.


Quizzes and Tests:

  1. There will be a competency/unit test given at the end of each unit of objectives.
  2. During each unit, there will be at least one quiz.


Group Grade Policy:

If students are allowed to choose their group or partner, each person in the group will receive the same grade for the assignment/assessment. All group grades will be counted in the class participation category.


Classroom Expectations:

  1. Bring the proper materials to class.
  2. Help keep the room clean. No writing on the board or using materials without permission.
  3. Courteous and reasonable behavior is expected. Show respect for others.
  4. Raise your hand to be recognized before speaking out or to get up from your seat.
  5. Pencils should be sharpened before class or during work time only.
  6. Remain in your seat when the bell rings until you are dismissed.


Make-up Policy:

Work missed due to an absence must be made up in the number of days absent. For example, if you missed two days, you have two days to make it up. It is your responsibility to stay on task at all times and to make up missed work due- to an absence!


Appendix 1

Math Notebook Rubric

A math notebook is a way of keeping your math work neat and organized so that you can find things quickly and easily. When your work is organized, your thinking will become organized too. You will be able to use you math notebook for quizzes. Your math notebook should consist of a three-ring binder with five-tab index dividers. The five sections are as follows:

  1. Class Notes
  2. Class Handouts
  3. Homework
  4. Quizzes
  5. Class work


Remember that if you miss class, you should obtain that day’s notes from a fellow classmate. Class notes should be handwritten. Every section should be ordered by date.

Your notebook is due before each unit test. Your grade based on the rubric below.




3 points

2 points

1 point

 Your Score

Class Notes/Handouts

All notes & handouts are accounted for and in order.

Most notes & handouts are accounted for and there are very few missed notes. Some notes may be out of order.

Most notes & handouts are incomplete or missing.



All homework assignments are included and in order.

Most homework assignments are included. Some homework may be out of order.

Most homework is incomplete or missing.



All quizzes are included and in order.

Most quizzes are included. Some quizzes may be out of order.

Most quizzes are missing.


Class work

All class work assignments are included and in order.

Most class work assignments are included. Some homework may be out of order.

Most class work is incomplete or missing.


Neatness & Organization

The notebook is almost perfect. It is organized and neat.

The notebook is ok. There may be some minor problems with organization and neatness.

The notebook is very unorganized and hard to follow









Appendix 2

Homework Policy

Homework Rubric






90 to 100% complete and explanations for any incomplete problems, labeled with section/page#/problem set all diagrams/graphs drawn. Detailed work shown easy to follow

Mostly complete partially labeled, few of no diagrams/graphs, work shown, easy to follow

50% complete, partially labeled, few or no diagrams/ graphs, some work shown, challenging to follow

Less that 50% complete, not labeled and little work show, few of no diagrams/graphs, difficult to follow


Homework Scoring Rubric


4 points

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Homework is completely done in a neat and organized fashion.


There are few, if any, problems missing.


All diagrams/graphs are drawn.


Detailed work, which supports the answer is shown.

Homework is done in a fairly neat and organized fashion but a few problems are missing.


Work is show for some problem, but not all.


Not all diagrams/graphs are drawn well.


It’s good but could be better.

Homework does not meet criteria for neatness.


A significant number of problems are missing.


There are answers, but not a lot of work.


There is room for significant improvement.


Homework is passed in late.*

Work is sloppy and/or disorganized.


More than half of the problems are not done.


A list of answers with no work.




You show up but your homework does not.

















*Five problems from each assignment will be scored for accuracy.*

Appendix 2 continued


Why do homework?

Math is a subject that requires practice and effort to learn. Learning requires action on the part of the student. Passive observation will lead to partial understanding.


What should it look like?

  1. The student used lined paper and pencil.
  2. The student wrote his/her name, date and class period to the right of the paper; and assignment, page, and problem numbers to the left on the fourth line of the page.
  3. The student wrote the original problems and showed all of his/her work.
  4. The student stapled multiple sheets of paper and worked in only two columns.




Class Period:____

Page and problem numbers



Can I make up homework? (*You contacted me before class and there was no opportunity for extra help.

Yes, if you were absent

Yes, is you were confused, but tried.*

No, if you just didn’t do it.

No, if you gave up without an honest effort.


What if I miss class but come in to school late or I am dismissed?

Check your assignment sheet or email me if you are not sure of assignment(s) when absent.


Appendix 3

Class Participation Rubric




Advanced 4

Proficient 3

Basic 2

Minimal 1


Always on time for class

1to 2 minutes late on a noticeable basis

Habitually tardy

Crates a disruption to the start of class


Has all necessary supplies for class (i.e. textbook, notebook, pencil) and prepared for the material to be covered (i.e. -completed homework)

Has most of the supplies for class and is prepared for the material to be covered


Has few of the supplies for class and is somewhat prepared for the material to be covered


Has none of the supplies for class and is usually not prepared for the material to be covered


Effective Communicator

Presents supportive evidence and/or reasoning in response to questions by showing/explaining detailed work


Presents supportive evidence and/or reasoning in response to questions by showing/explaining work


Presents some evidence and/or reasoning in response to questions but does not always show/explain logical sequence in work


Presents some evidence and/or reasoning in response to questions but does not show/explain logical sequence in work


Active Learner

Regularly develops and asks appropriate questions;

Consistently plans and carries out independent work, seeking appropriate help as needed and maintaining focus and direction


Develops and asks appropriate questions;

Plans and carries out independent work, seeking appropriate help as needed and maintaining focus and direction


Occasionally asks appropriate questions;

With direction, plans and carries out independent work; sometimes seeks appropriate help to maintain focus and direction


Despite support, rarely asks appropriate questions;

Does not plan or carry out independent work or seek appropriate help to maintain focus and direction


Resourceful Thinker

Generates original solutions or approaches to problems and effectively engages in class work


Generates effective solutions or approaches to problems and engages in class work


With support, develops solutions or approaches to problems and occasionally engages in class work


Despite support, does not develop solutions or approaches to problems and is not engaged in class work

